Friday, October 13, 2006

Strange days

We are still waiting to hear from Montana, but for now it seems as though my grandfather is doing well. Hard to know what that means, but for now living with a little mystery is probably better than the alternative.

As a quick political note, the NY Times Magazine ran a piece on Governor Schweitzer this weekend. It is a site that requires you to register, but well worth the registration. It is amazing to me how people characterize Montana. A lot of things in the article don't say much about the Montana I know, but maybe I have it wrong. One of the things that jumped out at me was that Gov. Schweitzer better be careful not to believe his own press. Ever since Mike Mansfield left Washington there has been a long line of would-be national figures from Montana, most recenlty on the Republican side of the aisle in Marc Racicot, another Governor beloved as much in the beltway as within the confines of Helena. I will admit Racicot is a national figure now, but the electoral system and a variety of factors will probably always make Montana political figures interesting circus acts as political pundits fill air time waiting for the real candidates.

Another less than interesting note about Montana in the news today was that the Sports Illustrated's website named the hazing incident in Montana as its daily "Sign of the Apocalypse". Less embarrasing to the state than the article I read today about Wisconsin's marching band, but overall not a good sign.

Overall, it's windy, it's cold and I'm looking forward to a Friday night watching "Lost" on tape. If I survive the after work run.

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