Wednesday, September 06, 2006

School Daze

After spending the weekend with 194,000 of our closest friends at the Minnesota State Fair labor day has passed and the kids are all in school. It's a weird year because for the first time we have no kids at home or daycare during the day. I'm not old enough to have three kids in school is one of my issues, but there are many others. One thing is that school seems to be the place where every fall both my kids and my money go. The good news is that the kids are doing well. The youngest couldn't wait for us to leave her at kindergarten. The middle is a big middle schooler and feeling the joy of being a big kid, and the oldest kicked off his first day of school by placing 14th at a cross country meet. He is running a mile in under 7 minutes which may not seem that impressive unless you have seen his father run.

Fall is a great time in Minnesota, and it's actually a pretty long season here. It's not as long as winter, but then again nothing is.

By the way - alligator tastes like chicken.

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