Friday, May 04, 2007

Parent Trap

Being a parent there are a lot of things to complain about. Most of them come down the to the fact that you don’t really captain your own ship anymore. Even early in a marriage a guy can trick himself into thinking he sets the agenda, but kids change that pretty quickly.

Having said that, I can’t complain a bit because the highs are so high. Today I rode the train down to the MOA (Mall of America) to watch a jr. high band performance, and afterward my son said it would be fun if I stayed and had lunch. It was fun. There are few places on Earth I would avoid more than the MOA, but on a quiet day with a son and a few buddies it was great.

Families and friends for all kinds of reasons complicate our lives. They drive our agendas and they drive us nuts, but in the end few of us can imagine life without them. In the bigger and smaller things that have come along lately I can see that.

I know that as I have struggled for freedom over the years, it hasn’t really brought much satisfaction. It is in the collective of a great family, great co-workers, great teammates where the most satisfying things have come from. Right now I’m part of some great groups, I have great family, a good place to work, and a great church. What I notice everyday though as I come and go to work is that their isn’t a lot out there. It makes me feel both blessed and motivates me to try and get involved in more things that build the community that is lacking in so many lives.

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