Friday, February 16, 2007

Random Abstract

I’m relatively sure I had something important to say today but for the life of me I can’t figure out what it is. A few days ago in the car I connected the dots between several random abstract items in my life and thought, “hey that would make a great blog,” but I seem to have forgotten it.

All in all, a really big few weeks though. Major financial purchases, major possible career moves, and a whole lot more.

The big Montana vs. Minnesota of the moment seems to be the battle in my head of thinking of living in a state where a former Saturday Night Live cast member is a member of congress. I can’t seem to get the voice of the SNL announcer out of my head every time I read his name.

Al Franken is a funny guy who is no doubt smart. It was his wit that made him funny. However, the more I watch politicians the more I’m willing to back men and women who seem to be great collaborators, and he is a polarizing figure.

The basketball season is over on Tuesday. This has been a really, really enjoyable year with the 9th grade girls. They have played hard most of the time, and rarely make me want to jump in front of a bus. Plus, I’ve learned a lot the current state of affairs in the American high school, and having this experience this year makes me less worried knowing that my son will become a high school student next year.

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