Monday, June 08, 2009

Texting in church!

So after trying to disprove last week that Twitter is sustainable, I had a fascinating experience with integrating technology into communication in a new way on Sunday.

My family doesn’t normally attend Westwood Community Church, but for a variety of reasons we went on Sunday. The pastor, used text messaging during the service. It was really well done. After a short tutorial, he encouraged people to text answers which were put up on the screen in real time. It was really engaging, and no I didn’t even text. My thumbs make me text impaired, but it was still fascinating and the positives far outweighed the negatives of a few folks by me who couldn’t figure out how to get their phones on “silent”.

The up shot is that it reminded me of something about technology and communication that seems to get missed. It is about the message first and the medium second. I know that is a theory not all people subscribe to, but the longer I work, read and think about communication the more I believe it is true.

As communicators, I believe that we need to figure out what the message or the story is first, and then figure out the best way to tell it. This point hit me two weeks ago when I rented the film “The Other Boleyn Girl”. It’s actually a pretty interesting story lost in a pretty bad movie. My estimation is that is because it’s not a movie, it’s a miniseries. There are far too many events and the motivations are too complex to cram into a little under two hours. It is a story that needs nuance and background, and without it you are left asking, “Now why would they do that?” about primary characters.

For what are probably a lot of sound commercial reasons they crammed the story into a movie format. It may make sense commercially, but if you care about the story it doesn’t make any sense.

Sustainability is a big word now for business. I’d apply it to communicators as well saying that commercial considerations may make sense, but the more sustainable option is to care about the message first and the medium second.


Anonymous said...

But it's so fun to try and move units - much more so than making a point with the art.
Too band it's more about the money than it is the message. Both the message and the medium are so important. Sometimes, there are messages that we communicate - unintentionally. Sometimes the unintentional message is much more powerful than the message in which we intend.
Man, it's time to pick up some readers because you're writing.

Anonymous said...

I text in church all the time! As a pastor I communicate with guys in the lobby and in the tech. booth via text.

Also, I created a "Prayer System" recently for our church, that allows people to send prayer requests via Facebook, Twitter, or text... and they can receive other's prayers by the same method.

It is taking the technology that the world is using and employing it for God's glory.

Unknown said...

Marshall McLuhan would say that the Medium IS the message but we won't get into that :) I think it is fairly difficult for churches (especially smaller churches) to really use a new medium/technology unless you have a way to share it corporately like Westwood. Most of the people in my church don't know how to use email let alone texting or twittering. It is hard when there are generational gaps in your audience and the acceptance of a medium isn't large enough yet. I think we will have that problem more often as new mediums are accepted and discarded more quickly. As far as "The Other Boleyn Girl" - what a strange and disturbing movie :)

Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)