Friday, March 16, 2007

Seasons End

I just played my last “noon-ball” game, and its funny how my life and basketball have coincided over the past several months. In the last few weeks my son, my daughter, and my coaching and playing lives have all ended a season.

I realize more today than ever what I enjoy about playing. Its not the games, it’s the teammates. It was a pretty normal lunch time basketball game, but I’m glad for some of the guys that were there. Some of them started playing about the same time I did, and we have shared a lot of things outside the court. Other guys have been playing here forever, and will be playing for a lot of years to come. Then there was that group that I thought about. The only thing that would have been better is if I would have gotten to pick a final team with Chip and Kelly who left awhile ago.

I hope somehow at the basketball banquet next Sunday and in my kids careers I can do a better job of communicating that it really is more about who you play with and how you play the game. While I might have sometimes envied teams with more talent, in retrospect there is not a team I played on our coached that I would have traded for another – and I’m pretty lucky to be able to say that.

As I look at starting a new position next week, it's with high hopes that I will be able to say that with a new team off the court. I know I would say that about the team I was priveledged to work with here.

1 comment:

Kelly Spann said...

Thanks Chato!