Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year

It has been a weird, wild, few weeks and I'm still not sure where exactly I am at.

It has been a long strange couple of weeks. My grandfather passed away shortly before Christmas, and going from funeral to Christmas to New Years has led to a kind of emotional jet lag.

The highlights of the season included getting to see possibly my oldest friend and his wife and their young daughter. It was a nice surprise to have a chance to reconnect with them, even if it was at a funeral. Food was a highlight. It’s hard to beat the meals that are prepared around the holidays, and the snacks alone are enough to make me happy.

All in all a season – a season where I’m just not sure how I feel yet.


Portana said...

I am sorry to hear about your grand father. I am an old friend of yours from college (or pretty sure you are who I think you are), who through the power of the internet came upon your blog when I was searching out Montana news here in Minnesota. If you are living in the greater twin cities area, would love to catch up with you some time for lunch.

Life does change and so do we all.

Chatohaze said...

I'm just outside the Twin Cities and always up for lunch. I just got off the phone with somebody from MSU-B.

Send me an email: chatohaze@yahoo.com.
